Deck the Halls

We're excited to host Deck the Halls: A Photography Fundraiser, in partnership with some of DFW's most talented photographers and benefitting DFW Canines for Veterans.Our immersive gallery walls are decked with a curated show featuring a photographer-chosen selection of photographic acrylic prints, generously donated by this incredible group and printed by our friends at Artworks. Each print will be available to purchase starting at $250, with additional donations accepted.

Featured Photographers
- Hannah Dimmitt
- High Vis
- J.Arce Media
- Jonny BadGood
- Missy Monoxide
- TA Visuals
- Victoriadventures

About DFW Canines for Veterans
We are a 501c3 non profit organization dedicated to training service dogs with disabled combat Veterans suffering from PTSD and/or TBI. We pull 98% of our dogs from city kill shelters that pass our lengthy and vigorous evaluation. Once a veteran is accepted into our program, we start searching for their service dog.  We start training the service dog in training and the veteran together. We feel this forms an extremely tighter bond. The service dogs are trained by our Director of Training and our Senior Training Assistant, according to the veterans specialized needs and disabilities.  Once trained these amazing service dogs, battle buddies accompany their veteran every where they go.  Assisting them in their daily lives, giving back their freedom as they have done so for us.We rely on 100% public donations and corporate sponsors.  We have NO paid employees! We are a volunteer based organization!  Please consider making a donation and help save two lives! 22 veterans commit suicide every day and that is 22 too many!


Hannah Dimmitt is a Photographer, Artist, and Creative Director who specializes in Portrait, Product, and Fine Art photography. Hannah has always been fascinated by the colors, textures, and stories the world has to offer. That same fascination has carried on into her current works, often described as having a "in the moment", dream-like, retro, and evocative feel to it. She often tests the limits with the gear she uses, and hopes to inspire others to "break the rules" of photography, to use what they have, photograph what inspires them, photograph the mundane moments, the exciting moments, and to push photography forward. Hannah has also recently opened up her first photography studio, Funky Fun Studios, as a place for creatives to explore their talents. 

"Chasing Rainbows" is about whatever it needs to be about, for you specifically. To me, it says that all I am chasing is closer than it seems.

"At the Shop" is an exploration of photography— creating scenes and characters without showing their face. I hope this is the first of many to come in this unnamed series. 

High Vis is a Dallas based creative who specializes in design, photography, and creative direction. He graduated from the Art Institute of Dallas, with a BFA in Graphic Design. He is known for his unique and daring rooftop shots. High Vis is a Veteran who served in the United States Navy.

As a Street Photographer, I love to photograph the city and all of the interesting and exciting things that happen on the daily. Living downtown gave me a chance to capture moments that most other people would never have the chance, because I was in the right place at the right time. The winter storm of 2021 had record snow fall and downtown was a Texas photographer’s dream! That night, I walked outside of my building the moment fluffy snowflakes started falling from the sky. Lit up by the new AT&T Discovery Plaza, the city had a NYC vibe with the modern screen and lights coupled with the historic architecture to create the perfect shots. I knew I was capturing something special. The storm was coined DALLASKA which was very fitting. The two pieces are named DALLASKA DART and DALLASKA LOOKUP.


Hi, my name is Jonathan Arce. I was born and raised in Costa Rica in 1990 and later migrated to the states with my family when I was about 10 years old. I have been blessed to say I have been able to run J.ArceMedia since early 2018 and I've managed to continue to grow the company with the help of this amazing creative community. Overall as an artist and content creator, I love the moody vibes we can get from the city at times when regular folks would think the weather has ruined their day. I love all the city's vibrant lights and moody vibes the city provides on the bad weather days. Chasing the moody scenes of the city, has allowed me to grow a style of shooting where I've been able to work for some of the biggest brands in the industry and been lucky to meet some of the most inspiring artists around the city. My only wish is that I can keep doing this with the people that love and support me and that we can all keep growing and achieving all the crazy goals we set ourselves.


Jonny earned a bachelors of fine arts in photography and minors in film production and art history at Missouri State University. He started Jonny BadGood Productions in 2016 after freelancing and working full-time for some of the best photographers and directors in the industry as a DP and camera operator. His client list now includes Toyota, Lexus, American Airlines, McKesson, PepsiCo, to name a few. Jonny’s success in storytelling comes from extensive knowledge of the craft and ability to tap into the depth of a client’s vision and goals to create imagery that the audience can see and feel. Exceeding client expectations is his goal and he strives to make every project better than the last.

What makes a photograph good or bad? What makes one great? Is it the technical achievements, the focus, the color, the subject? Or is it something more intangible? With any photograph I take, I want the audience to not only see something visually pleasing and technically crafted, but I want the audience to feel what the image is saying. Stop for a moment and feel this man is feeling. What is he crying out for? What is the pain he is feeling, are you feeling it too? Do the rocks flow like water or like silk? Would it be cool to the touch? What would it feel like to stand below and look up? These images may seem completely disconnected, but we can never be disconnected. The pain we feel is the same energy that binds these rocks together. The same water that formed these stones pour on his face and wash away what is no longer needed. We are the stones, and we are the man. Can you feel them?  

Missy Monoxide is a Dallas-based Graphic Designer and Photographer who specializes in branding, portraiture, and creative direction. From 2005-2010, she served as an Information Systems Technician (IT) in the United States Navy where she was able to travel the world and experience various cultures and ways of life. In 2013, she graduated with Honors from the Art Institute of Dallas, with a BFA in Graphic Design, and has since worked for local agencies and corporate, until 2017 when she started working as an independent artist. Missy is of Mexican-American heritage and takes great pride in representing her culture and beliefs, whilst breaking stereotypes often associated with Latinx communities. Missy has always wanted to prove that one can be from a humble, disadvantaged background, yet still be tenacious enough to follow their dreams, regardless of all obstacles they will have to overcome.

My work is mostly composed of portrait photography with a grungy aesthetic, consisting of rich colors, light leaks, and textures; unconventional much like myself. I  prefer to photograph people as I am intrigued by the idea of capturing the essence of a person at a particular moment in time, a moment that will seemingly exist forever, immortalized in an image. I find the human experience tragically beautiful, short yet eternal, filled with trials and tribulations as we navigate struggles, success, downfalls, and accomplishments. 

I am privileged to be able to capture the most beautiful moments, to be able to connect on an emotional level with my subjects, and to offer a space for them to unapologetically express their creativity and uniqueness. Their ability to convey stories via their expressions and poses, combined with my aesthetic and composition, merge to create bold, expressive images which do not follow any particular set of rules. I create what I love, regardless of whether or not it is widely accepted by mainstream audiences. Emotions and meaning are at the core of my photography, “To feel everything is to exist.

TA Visuals specializes in creative video and photography production. Our Clients come to us with a vision, and we respond by bringing innovative and bold creative ideas to life. We understand that every client has a unique business and marketing objectives. Our brief first approach always proves flexible and fluid execution through all stages of the creative process from concept to completion. With a client roster including some of the world’s biggest and upcoming brands, we’ve demonstrated that we are eager and can handle even the most demanding of projects. 

Victoria Nguyen is a Photographer and Creative Director based in Dallas, TX. She is driven by her experiences through community and culture. With her focus on fashion and portraiture, she hopes to tell stories and concepts in her work. She inspires others to push the limits of their creativity to follow their dreams as creative artists.