Artist Reception: Tramaine Townsend

Artist Reception with Tramaine Townsend
Friday, October 18, 6pm - 8pm

Sweet Tooth Hotel
2316 Victory Park Lane
Dallas, TX 75219

We invite you to celebrate the release of Tramaine Townsend's DEIFIED, the book at an exclusive reception to meet the artist and purchase a limited edition copy of the book.

For the past few years Tramaine Townsend has conducted works that have and will be connected through a continuous theme. It portrays the growth he sees within people and the world. Including, very much, within himself. Through his voyeuristic voyage of connecting the dots of the facets of our world, he's stripped them to a minimal yet intensive precision - the way he sees it.

DEIFIED, the book is a continuation of the multi-sensory experience. It showcases Tramaine's vision within this installation while flourishing past, and future works. Throughout the many mediums he utilizes, creating dialogue is the most important part of his process.  Within this, he creates a movement of not having to explain to his audience. Leaving it to them to determine their inner take on a broader universe he is constructing.